Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sleepy Ramblings

At the moment I'm reading two stories. I'm reading There Will Be Blood by johnnyboy7, whic was rec'ed to me for the past two months by @tropicaltherani every time it crosses her mind. I love her by the way. She's as passionate about fanfiction as I am. I think she's worse because she won't even read a book anymore lol. Anyway the second story I'm reading is Voice for Me by PachasPickMeUp rec'd by Althea Jams blog. She gives good rec by the way. I love her descriptions and summaries of the stories.

Two different stories both E/B both have me very interested for totally different reasons but that's a whole different story.

I beta'ed chapter six of My Boyfriend's Jeans for Ilovetwilight79. I pre-read a story for its-rpattz-baby and its freaking hot. Hopefully that story will stay in the forefront of her brain because I like a lot. Also I plan on finally finally pre-reading Cullen Technologies Inc by Silk and Steel this week thank God! I love it but I don't remember that I'm suppose to do it until I get sleepy like I am now.

Oh I forgot to tell you guys I went to Denver Fanfic meet up last month on October 20th. It was so cool. After wolvescaneatme volunteered to give me a ride to and from. Yes, she's awesome! Anyway, we went to the Cheesecake Factory and the food was okay but I don't go there for the food I go there for the cheesecake and the it was the bomb. Seriously.

Good times were had and I lost my name tag so many times I stopped looking for it. Then I found it on the ground before we all left funny, huh? It's true I blame it on being left handed and all but I'm sure it was because I wasn't paying attention to it. Well, I need to get a job since I have no car I know right boooo!

I'm going to try and read some of the Denver authors that hold down the Mile High City for twilight fanfiction. I don't know why I just typed that like they are the mob or something? I'm gonna blame JB haha. Alright that's enough of that. Next subject.

So I'm volunteering at a non-profit until I find a job which will then probably impose on my volunteer work that's what usually happens. Anyway, time to end this long ass post and get some sleep. Maybe I'll update y'all tomorrow if your interested? If not, I might do it for myself. So there! lol. 

Who loves you baby? I do! I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my twisted fanfiction addicted or maybe its obsessed world and I didn't freak you out lol.

Peace be safe out there!

L4J out!