Thursday, April 22, 2010

THE Teaser Chapter 24

From its-rpattz-baby via twitter today:

I was lighting a cigarette after just finishing my meal when I heard Emmett mutter a ‘holy fuck’ from beside me. Furrowing my brows, I followed the direction of his gaze, my eyes widening slightly when I spotted her. I felt my heart rate accelerate dramatically; suddenly beating so furiously in my chest I could hear it in my ears. Everything around me faded into a blur of grey as the only thing that remained clearly visible to me was the long dark hair and small frame a few feet away in front of me.

I could barely make out the voices around me as my name was repeatedly being called and I think I was even being shaken, trying to be snapped out of my stupor. That’s when it happened… on the second twirl her eyes passed over me before she stumbled again and her eyes snapped back to mine instantly, her face reflecting the same shock I was feeling by seeing her as well.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Something New & Being Lazy

Hey yesterday I wrote my first review and recommendation for It won't be posted for a couple weeks but they asked me to do more. Yay! It took me an hour and half to write a few paragraphs because I was so nervous. I reviewed and recommended Cullen Technologies, Inc. I also am about to review and recommend Falling For the First Time which I love. I think everyone has heard of it but you would never know if you're not on twitter. That's how I got the link from various people over the past month. Its a review & recommendation for a different site though already has a review for this story but I want to add my two cents. I'm going to start asking authors for permission to review their stories in the next two weeks. I want to have at least seven in the bag for each site is that too much? We will see.

I'm excited I wish I could review one of its-rpattz-baby's stories. Wait I probably could read & review My Heart Holds Three since I didn't beta that one. I will need time to read though. All my friends went back to work and I'm the only one not working. As of tomorrow WTH! Its funny I could have already been working but I was hanging out with them. Now I have to look for a job again. It has been a year. Back to corporate America, VPs, Presidents and other big shot people to administratively support. I don't mind as long as I can listen to my mp3 player, not answer the phone unless its a personal call for me, make my own hours, pays well and its close to where I live. That's not asking for too much is it?

That's the kind of jobs that I'm used to getting. My hubby says I'm spoiled but I have a strong work ethic I don't take off work unless I'm on the brink of death or throwing up sick. I have gone back to work after funerals. Yeah I'm addicted to my job when I work. I go in early and leave late. My parents say that I didn't get my work ethic from them which is funny.

Maybe I will document my job hunt for you guys? Maybe I will look for a job next week. I don't have it in me this week. I should take more than my standard 30 days since we are in a recession. My hubby says I might have to change careers or go back to school which is cool.

Maybe I should lower my expectations and just take any job? I think I'm going through six year over a quarter life crisis I have no idea what I want to do any more. Oh my God I'm about to be married to my hubby for almost 9 years in December. God how did that fucking happen. It seems like it was just a minute ago I was just a newlywed not knowing if the shit was going to work out. That sounds really bad but its true.

I love my hubby but he has been calling me his soul mate and that it was love at first sight since he could tell me. He asked me to marry him right out of the gate and freaked my 22 year old ass out. Then told me he loved me right out the gate as well. I couldn't say it back because I didn't love him yet. That came months later. My birthday past and then life happened. Yeah now I know he is my soul mate but back then not so much. Everyone would tell me it was true but I didn't believe them.

Well I think that's enough today of my ramblings. See around twitterland everyone.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hey There!

Well, I just wanted to say thank you to my one and only follower. I'm going to treat you to this wonderful thought I was having today. I made a big mistake on twitter yesterday by voicing a thought I was having about slash and other things that were perverted to some. Maybe you saw it since you follow me. I was thoroughly embarrassed but it made me realize more than ever that I have to be me every minute of the day no matter how that makes other people feel. I go through a lot just like everybody else trying to make it out here in this thing called life. Anyway, don't cry for me I learned my fucking lesson. I not going to run down a sob story because in all honesty I'm just happy to be alive.

You know who made me feel better Teambella23. As much as we talk shit too each other she is like a sister to me because she is so sweet. If I could have given her a hug I would have because my heart felt lighter and I felt like laughing before I had time to think and over analyze my actions. So thanks Mary for having my back.

I am supposed to be beta'ing Through His Eyes by its-rpattz-baby but I have been procrastinating for the past two days. Its a shorter chapter and everything but I'm all emotional and shit because of my fucking cycle. TMI my bad but its true. My husband asked me, "Why haven't you been on twitter since yesterday? You are hiding and not facing your problems. That's just not you. You are the strongest person I know. If they disagree with what you were saying or whatever doesn't make you opinion invalid. Its not like you to crawl under a rock and not face the music." He's right but there is no music to face. I'm just embarrassed as hell!

Well my train of thought was broken by my sister getting on my fucking nerves annoying the shit out of me. Yes, my middle oldest sister. I'm the quote on quote baby of the family. I think all four of her children want to spend the night tomorrow or she wants them too! I guess that's cool I better check with the hubby for sure though. She wasn't really getting on my nerves but she did fuck up my bitching session. Maybe that's a good thing.

Now back to my bitch fest! No I'm over it I hate complaining it makes me seem ungrateful which I hate. ColdPlay is helping to calm me down and get some perspective. I am currently reading Cullen Technologies, Inc. It's about to get good too not that it already isn't but its about to turn up a notch. I'm on chapter five. I read two stories by MsKathy Good Boy & Double Date. Fucking hot and that's all I will say about that like Forest Gump. Ha ha.

I can't wait to bake tomorrow maybe a cake or a coffee cake. Cupcakes more than likely that way the kids don't make to much of a mess. I am going to teach my oldest niece to make banana bread. She is allergic to nuts, so I had to adapt many recipes for my sweet breads. I don't use nuts but it tastes like there are some in there. Yeah it was freaking hard to do.

I jump around from thought to thought as you can see. I'm feeling guilty I better beta T.H.E. ASAP! That's all for now. Maybe more mindless rabbling tomorrow. You write wonderful stories that's why I recommend them. You really had me tearing up with the black balloon entry. Just thinking about it I'm tearing up that's just good ass writing. It effected my spirit and heart plus it gave me something to think about. Peace. Take care of yourself.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Recommendations for April 

Confessions of a Difficult Woman by einfach mich Leah Clearwater is not the kind of girl that goes for guys like Edward Cullen. In fact, she thinks he's an asshole and Edward's made it clear he hates her too. One drunken night changes everything. AU AH

Bruce Springsteen's Leah by fictionfanDNB After The-Almost-War, Leah leaves her family and her pack behind. She left hoping to find solace in her independence, but she discovers that with the help of new family, she can not only heal, but grow.

Falling for the First Time by SnowWhiteHeart Lonely Edward finally found a place where he fits in—the World of Warcraft. He meets a girl from Phoenix, and when she moves to Edward’s neck of the woods, the nerdy sparks fly like lightsabers clashing. M for language

Homecoming by dont_run A troubling childhood has left Bella shy and scared of her own shadow. Her life is turned upside down when she is sent to live with the Dad and brother she never knew at the age of 15. Can Charlie and Emmett along with Edward and the gang help Bella? E/B, A/J Em/?

With Half My Heart by RobMyDream Bella doesn't trust love until she meets Edward, who begs her to be his. He promises to never hurt her, but he has a secret that he tries to keep, until he meets Emmett. He loves them both, but can he keep them both?

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by Kikiblue One Bet. One Week. No Rules. Bella bets Edward that after a week of some raw sexcapades he won’t want to stop. He bets her otherwise.

The Worst of Weather by yellowglue Bella comes home for Christmas break from her freshman year away at university to be unexpectedly all shaken up. Snideward. Spitefulward. Slightly Darkward. Lemons and fluffiness in future chapters.

Cured by IM DOING IT WRONG ON PURPOSE Jacob has been diagnosed with cancer...this is the story of how he gets threw it...slight cusing and talk of chemo and lots of symptoms of cancer, includes vomiting

True Love: Nessie and Jacob by ILOVETWILIGHT79 Nessie has fallen in love with Jacob and she does not know Jacob has imprinted on her. They discover they love each other and take their love to the next level. My very first story! Rated M for lemons and language.

First Kiss by ameichholz This is a story that starts with Bella remembering her childhood in Forks, with Jacob. I hope you enjoy it. Eventually it'll bring them full circle that is why the rating is as it is.

Stormy Imprint: Second Generation by IamKate Nate Uley has issues. His sister Gracie has rejected her imprint, and Nate imprinted on family nemesis, Meena Black. Worse, Meena's brother and Nate are both Alphas who instinctively hate each other. When rivalries collide, things get stormy.

And Baby Makes Three by fiberkitty When Jasper and Edward find themselves out of luck in adopting a child, Jasper decides it is time to try a new route. What sacrifices will this couple make to become parents? Can Bella make their dream come true?

Just Standing There by Le Crepuscule Geekward strives to do his absolute best his entire life. He only ever cared about being completely focused on working his hardest to get into the school of his dreams. Can anything happen to help loosen him up? AH, M for Lemons.

Potential by Rosmarina Edward Cullen, journalist for the college paper, has despised jocks since high school. What happens when he’s assigned to interview Emmett McCarty, a decathlon athlete who challenges Edward’s every stereotype? Rate M for language, slash & graphic lemons.

One Shots

Dedicated To The One I Love by naelany Slash. If your love was dying, how far would you go to help them? Edward us faced with just that choice as he watches Jasper wither away from cancer. Warning: this story deals with cancer, assisted suicide, and death. Trust me. Please read.

Footfalls Echo in the Memory by inside-the-disarray Alice finds a man on a deserted Moroccan street; he doesn’t know his own name, but for some reason he hears muffled footsteps in his mind. Back in Boston Bella waits for the man she loves, but will he return?

The Taming by artbeatsandlife Paul Wolfe & Leah Clearwater are up and comers at a premiere IT company. What happens when 2 alpha personalities are forced to spend long hours at the office together? Explosion! AU/AH M 4 Lemons & Language.

Do You Remember? by LJ Summers This is a story about unconditional love and the value of memory. Jacob and Bella have been married for about forty years when the Cullens want to visit for what is possibly the last time. One-shot.

Giddy Up by SweetDulcinea Bella comes home to a surprise: Jasper in cowboy attire...sort of. A little role play ensues, the hat stays on, and Bella learns to ride. Jasper/Bella AH

Bridging the Gaps by IndependenceIndividuality His daughter was always too original for a knight in shining armor.

Too late for goodbyes by SamieManchester Bella is terminally ill. Edward can't accept that he is going to lose her. Will he waste their last moments together chasing a dying flame? Or will he come to his senses and stay by his wife's side. My entry for the Black Balloon Contest. One Shot. AH

Tight End by Lipsmacked Professional Football Player, Emmett Cullen falls for a mechanic from South Dallas. They do it. Rated M for Dude-sex. O/S

Pinesol and Rubber Gloves Edward has a problem when he takes a trip down aisle fourteen. Can anyone help him? Lemons/Language

Aftereffect by TheSpoiltOneFootroza Bella and Edward had been together since the first day of school. Jasper also had his sights set on Bella since he first laid eyes on her in 7th grade. Constant flirtation over the years has brought Jasper to a climax. Is Bella going to feel the aftereffects?

All Aboard byTKegl Bella feels like a stalker, watching the hot guy who sits across from her on the train every night. But when she finds out he's watching back, sparks will fly. Riding the rails has never been so fun!

Of Volkswagen and Verizon by inside-the-disarray When a flat tire leaves Bella stranded, the last person she ever expects to see shows up to offer some help. Pure fluff and silliness because I needed a break from the angst. One shot. Rated M for smut.

Sakihitowin, My Love Shall not be Lost by Mombailey This story takes place in an Alternate Slash Universe set somewhere between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies. Embry Call is experiencing life in a new environment, at a new school, and with a new...partner.

L4J Note: I actually tweeted EP author and asked why she killed Jake in ch.68? I got no response. I guess I really am a nobody. Oh well still not reading EP so there! Like she fucking cares I know she doesn't but there you go!

I agree with this statement from Team SOB so I'm posting it here on my profile:

Jacob Black.

The best friend, the one to lean on. The one that brings Bella back, the one who fought for her until she stopped breathing. He kept Bella together when Edward left, tried to persuade her to not be with Edward in Eclipse, kept her safe in Breaking Dawn when his pack wanted to kill her and her unborn baby.

So tell me, why is Jacob Black so often seen as the bad guy? The only thing he ever did wrong was love Bella Swan. He was manipulated by her in Twilight when she was trying to get information on the Cullens. He was a distraction from the pain in the first part of New Moon, used for his knowledge of mechanics so Bella could get her motorcycle and be all daring and shit. He saved her life, then she went running to save Edward. And he didn't even get a chance to kiss her and tell her how he felt. Damn it.

Poor guy, he had just saved her life to watch her go running off to risk it. The the ho comes back and it's like nothing ever changed-she was with Edward again, completely forgetting the fact that she had been broken when he left her.

And yet in Eclipse, Bella keeps calling, writing him notes and everything. Why can't she understand that Edward goes against everything that Jacob stands for?

Jacob decides that he's going to fight for Bella, and does everything in his teenage boy arsenal to get her to love him as much as he loves her. He kisses her-she punches him. Still, he keeps going, until he hears Edward say that one of the best days of his life was when Bella agreed to marry him.

Say what?

Bella hadn't told him about this, and his heart just cracks. There it is-there's nothing left to fight for. He hurts. Edward catches him, tells him that Bella wants to talk to him and he reluctantly goes. He plays dirty. He tells her that it's his fault, and he tells her to ask the question: to kiss her. And he does. He pours everything into that kiss. And she puts into it to before it ends and he has to fight.

But eventually, she chooses Cullen again. And still, he gets an invite to her wedding, blah blah blah. He goes, she tells him she's gonna have sex with the stinkin' leech. GROSS. He freaks. And when he hears that she's come back, she's sick,he knows. He knows she's been changed. Enter Pregnant Bella.

Say what?

So the pack hears through Jake's mind what happened...and want to attack, but Jake saves the day, protecting Bella, the spawn baby, and the rest of the Cullens. Then as a reward, he imprints on the spawn baby, the half human, half vampire who goes against everything he is.

So tell me, why do I read so many stories where Jake is this horrible person? I've read stories where Jake is this monster who won't let Bella get to Edward, stories where Jake hurts Bella in some way.

Jacob Black was never a bad guy, he was just never Edward Cullen. And some of us prefer him anyway.

Reader Country Shout outs: Thank to all my readers of my profile from South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Sweden, Mexico, Ireland, Bulgaria, Finland, Qatar, Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, France, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Canada & the United States.

Special shout out to Germany. I feel you! I loved your PM.
Holler back at me people. I am easy to talk too plus I don't like ass kissers so just be yourself those are the best kinds of people. Mainly because I try to be myself at all times even if it makes me seen like a geek or unique or original. Nothing wrong with those descriptions been hearing all my life so why change now!

OMG Author Alert: I think I'm going to have to cyber stalk some authors into updating their fucking stories. I'm going to send them PMs so they feel the love then lay on the guilt trip unless its something bad in their RL's see I'm compassionate!