Friday, January 22, 2010

Where's the love?

I really try to keep the Jake love close to my chest but sometimes it spills out! I read more Edward stories than wolf stories. I try and provide 'real' comment/reviews for authors plus I review each chapter I read. Now, where is the love for a wolf lover named Luv4Jake? Where's the justice people. Can I get a witness? Okay maybe I just need love period. I have been told I am needy. My hubby can only take so much! God bless him!

Hey people can you check out my friend's Assward/Bella story it's called Closer.

It's really good plus the author replies to her reader's reviews. Not every author does that, so for that I give her five vamps on a scale of 1 - 5. 1 wolf out of 5 on the wolf scale she knows why aka wolf 'human' fight! I got to keep it 100 around here. Human Edward is not scary looking like let's say Jasper or Emmett, which I love with a passion plus Charlie. I am Team Charlie all the way!

So everyone put on your clown outfits because I am ready to defend myself. I love Edward truly but he can't be kicking everyone's ass all the time especially Jake's and I not talk shit. Who would I be if I didn't? I am on Chapter 15 of Closer by TeamBella23. Here is the link Let me know what you think.

Summary: He grabbed my face and slammed my back to the wall. "YOU ARE MINE BELLA" He seethed with anger. "PROVE IT THEN." He pulled back on my face. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" "I SAID FUCKING MAKE ME YOURS." A cocky Edward, confidant Bella. AH cannon pairings Team Jacob this is a tear jerker prepare yourselves.

Oh yeah, I am the beta for a bad ass Edward/Bella Story called Through His Eyes by its-rpattz-baby.

Summary: Carlisle's moved to Forks in hopes of taming Edward's ways. But it seems it will take more than a new town to help Edward deal with the horrors of his past. Edward is weary of getting close to people but will Bella change that for Edward?

Stop playing and check it out. You know you want to! Now go and read it the link is below! You will not regret it. I have to figure out how to post it here? Technical support maybe needed!

This is Luv4Jake Message Alert: I don't recommend sorry ass stories I keep it real around here. If it's a good story whether it's a vampire, wolf, imprint or human story I'll give you my backing 100%. Don't believe me check out my profile at

Now I have to go spend some QT= quality time with the hubby.
